Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Put it out quick! Here comes the sergeant!

The Winterguard are done! Goddammit, it took a long time. I am really happy with the sergeant and the banner bearer, my best efforts so far. Maybe the highlighting is a little subtle, but looks better than the overexaggerated efforts that went before it.
  The banner bearer is a MENACE. Obviously carrying that banner is tiring work as he seems to take every chance he gets to have a lie down. Something must be done about this as he has already damaged himself, the sergeant and a widowmaker as part of his unbalanced antics. I'll have to find something to ballast him, maybe at the hardware store?
Anyways here they are:
Next up in the painting side of things is a warjack, then Kovnik Joe and Harlan Versh . That will be a huge milestone as 25 points will be painted. WHOOOP!

TERRAIN: The final product.

OK, Here are some pictures of finished terrain that i had promised.
The pictures are a bit rooted, but my camera-fu is extremely weak.
First up is the rock formation. Whole load of looking good for such a small outlay if you ask me!
(but who did eh?)
 The basing was done like so for 2 main reasons.
 Firstly, I find it weird that most wargames seem to be fought over perfect grass fields, it seems to me that most wars are fought in Flanders apparently.
Secondly, my Khador force, The Bonehands, are a border legion situated in the wastes somewhere, I originally envisioned them close to the desert the Skorne are crossing , but have found after looking at a map of The Iron Kingdoms that this is impossible (The #1 reason I think that the khador force book should have a map in it!) All my basing is done on similar lines, I quite like the look of it, though i must admit adding the flocking certainly makes it look better and more vibrant.

The Fort is up next. My best effort so far, it looks good in a shabby, hastily put-together-on-the-battlefield kind of way.  When I first started building it I thought of it as a semi temporary structure thrown up for protection, more for protection vs wild animals than a true fortification. Kind of the place a squad would travel to every year or so to check out the area. The fort is almost finished, a cooking pot and a fire have to be made for it somehow, but other than that it is ready to go.

Tables and stools, and woodpiles ect were added to make it look lived in.
I'll add a shot with the brave lass that leads my winterguard to give you an idea of scale.
 Best part about this terrain was it was very cheap to make, and looks good. Next up in my series of terrain is my broken bunker and another set of rocks. After that a forest and some linear obstacles look to be next in line to be made, then  some form of building. You can tell I really like making terrain. :)
Till next time :)

Monday, 25 June 2012


After sleeping outside with the wardog after my fight with Alexia, I got to thinking about my terrain and how I hadn't posted it yet.
Overall I love making terrain, I'm still a beginner at the moment and learning, but I like it alot, more than probably anything to do with wargaming.

I started making terrain because of this post in the PP forums.
Terrain making had been in my estimation a kinda expensive thing to do ( I have no idea why), however messers Pinkypie and Veebs and the others cured me of this. Some baking, a trip to the craft store, the hardware store and I was ready to go.

First off I built a rock formation, unfortunately the baked goods went soggy as I didn't seal it (it was a very wet week here that week), so crushed by the financial burden of that loss, I went back to the kitchen and baked some more and came up with this:

The rocks are made of baked home made play dough, the basing is a dodgy CD and some gravel for a total cost of about .12 cents. It is now painted and varnished and hopefully i should get some piccies up of it sometime soonish :).

Flushed with my success, I then proceded to make a fort out of baked good bricks that came up like
Chuffed by the skill of modelling displayed, i made some gates and walls out of matchsticks from the craft store (love you spotlight)
After filling some holes in the walls with an expensive mortar of wood glue and gravel it looked pretty cool in my opinion, but I'll leave that for you to judge.
That raps it up for my first terrain post, cyas next time. oh and for the artist:

I love this guys art(the guy who drew the wardog) some of it can be found here.

I didn't mean it honey!

I didn't mean anything by it Alexia,I still love and covet you! The Drakhun made me do it!
Here , a token of my love.

The Voice(s) 2012

My favourite thing in life (apart from Warmachine) would have to be The Voice! What a high concept! All those mediocre to good singers on stage, and best of all, now we don't have to listen to contestants cry all the time, as we have professional TV people to talk when the hopefuls aren't singing. Hah, I kid, the show is complete drivel and just makes publicity for manufactured pop stars to sell albums.

Here is one:  Karise

Hopefully after releasing an album and appearing at Westfield a few times she dissapears up her own clacker like a good manufactured pop star should.

Unlike this guy:  Anthony Callea , runner up in Australian Idol in 2004. Seriously, fuck off and die. You are gay? I'd have never have guessed mate, never.

Anyways that's enough side tracking, on to the real topic of my post.

The voices! I mentioned them in post 1 or 2. What is with them! I keep hearing them! All the time! They keep telling me to kill a kitten....oh, I'm not talking about those voices, I'm talking about the other ones...good catch me....thankyou me.

Did I mention sidetracking?

What I'm talking about is that strange affliction that affects gamers, the "I Must Own It Syndrome" , also known as IMOIS.This guy has it .I have it at the moment badly. I made up a wishlist of things I want to own for my khador force.

It came to $200 and that's with a 20% online sale! After I buy all these things, I still will not own things like IFP, Kyayzy, or even a mortar FFS.
The only item on that wishlist that I have in lists atm is the drakhun, the rest is all options and sad symptoms of IMOIS. Even though I don't need most of this stuff, the voices tell me "How cool is it?. How awesome does it look? YOU WANT 1 NOW!"

The worst symptom of IMOIS is hands down Alexia Ciannor and the risen. I will only be able to feature her in my Khador force, not my future Protectorate force or my future Skorney force (IMOIS again ) and she will most likely only be an option for some lists.
I am soooo tempted to buy her before the Drakhun for no apparent reason other than IMOIS!



Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Here Come The Winterguard!

They are done! That should probably read "They are FINALLY done". All in all I enjoyed painting them, I still think PP needs more sculpts for 10 man units but I am still happy with the result. They represent as a unit a solid advancement in my painting (the sergeant and banner bearer look decidedly different to this lot I'm about to show).
Not quite happy with my painting skills  yet, but they are still slowly improving, so yeah, hopefully soon I'll manage to change my gallery of shame to gallery of some-what-OK. :)

Thanks to plarzoid for providing inspiration and this handy dandy tutorial on fixing pictures.

Here they are! The lads!

and a close up picture:

The guy with a yellow beard is from the first batch of WG i painted, the rest are from the 2nd or 3rd batch. Both still have atrocious highlighting , but i can see improvements over him in the others.

In the works at the moment: As I said I've almost finished the UA for the winterguard, finished 3 bits of terrain, working on 3 more bits of terrain, and have a jack ready to go (ol' Draggy!) for the painting table.

Till next time! TOODLES!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

2nd models completed!

Next up of the gallery of shame is the destroyer! Being new to warmachine I just had to do a jack. A big jack! A jack with a gun! I'm still not quite happy with the paintjob, I was in my 2 colour shading phase (I guess all artists have phases and as you can see from my painting I am certainly an artiste! :D) which didn't work out so well for the flat surfaces on the jack.

Next up was sorscha and and a rocketeer. Both still in my 2 tone phase still, I don't have good singular pictures of either and my kamera fu was weak when I tried to take some pics yesterday.

Overall I'm happy with sorscha , unfortunately I was packing the paint on a little thick at this point, but you live and learn. :)

AAAAAND now ladies and gentlemen, to the prime attraction, the money shot (no, not THAT kind of money shot, dirty people not keeping thier minds out of the gutters!).
This picture was a considerable source of pride for me featuring all my force at the time, I still loves it.

HOW cool are they? How AWESOMEe do they look? The answer is not very, never mind me I'm just gushing.
Till next time, TOODLES!

Sunday, 3 June 2012

First MIniatures Painted!

I created this bog to keep track of my wargaming, and my progress on painting , gaming, and terrain making, you know, that kind of place I can go to look at all my stuff and let out a self satisfied ahhhhh.

So first up I'm going to show the miniatures I have painted, and here's to hoping in a few months I can actually see a difference.
First things I have painted for a long time are my widowmakers. I love these guys, I painted them in different colours as I wanted them not to look like a unit (they are irregulars as I see them anyways).
First off I led with an all brown look  and then a green and dark look, when I paint up my next one I will have only one duplicate in the unit as well as having a VERY cool looking unit leader!

So without further ado, lets start off with the public embarrassment of showing off poorly painted miniatures.
At this stage my hands were very shaky so faces and extra small crud got left alone, kinda funny that my snipers have no eyes :D.

The Title

Last post I meant to explain about the title of my Blog, but as usual I got sidetracked...heh.
I knocked around a few ideas for a title of my blog, but quickly decided on the current title, which is both irreverent and humourous (well, least to me anyways).

I get the feeling after reading many forum posts on many websites that people take this hobby a wee bit seriously and that just isn't me. :)

Kar door Kapers was kinda taken from a series of posts on the privateer press forums which ended up in a none too serious discussion of how to say Khador. I know that PP state that khador is said Kaydor, but I can't for the life of me do it, I JUST CAN'T. I will always say khador as Kahdor, like khan or something else that has a kha in it. :D

So there you go, the reason for my amusing title, soon I shall have a groovy logo, and will have worked on the look of my blog. As this is my first blog I'm kind of learning as I go.